From € 29,95
About the product
We make a line drawing of your best photo and print it on a beautiful poster of your choice. You send us a beautiful photo, from which we will make a line drawing by hand and print it on the poster. You can choose between A4 and A3 and two types of paper: matte photo paper or Tintoretto Gesso with a beautiful relief pattern.
How does it work?
Please note! Delivery time for this item is slightly longer than our other products, up to 5 business days.
Additional information
For a beautiful result, it is important to have good contours in the photo. A line drawing is made of the photo by hand. The drawing is made in the way we think looks best technically. If you want to see the line drawing in advance, you can choose this option in the menu. You will receive a digital file for approval in advance. Some changes can be made to your drawing with this option. This personalized product cannot be exchanged or returned. Delivery time for this item is slightly longer than our other products, approximately 5 business days.